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Monday, June 9, 2014

15 weeks.. Happy baby

15 weeks!  
I feel as if every week is a milestone for us to hit and I get more excited then the week before.  We are that much closer to 20 weeks, which is half way through the pregnancy!  I have finally hit a point where I am feeling GREAT!  I haven't been sick in over a week and finally am gaining energy!

I've been experiencing SCIATICA symptoms since week 9- some days where I can't even get up because the pain has been so bad.  At my last appointment, my OB gave us a referral to a physical therapist.  Well, since things were feeling pretty bad all over after our vacation- I finally made an appointment.

I could not be happier with my PT appointment.  I see why my OB recommends him and why he specializes in pregnancy physical therapy.  The lady before me was SUPER pregnant and the lady after me was probably about 20 weeks- though we looked the same size.  He helped get my pelvic bones back in align me and gave me ONE stretch to concentrate on for the moment.


I am to do a set of three on each leg- morning and night.  After the evening sets on each leg, we ice for 10 minutes while I lay on my left side.  

This week has been emotionally rough on me.  I have been going from straight happy and laughing to crying hysterically in 2 seconds.  Most of this because I am feeling HUGE and getting down on myself.  I know last week I didn't walk as much as I should have and definitely wasn't as active as I could have been.  I think that all ties into it. 

 I also know that I am in the second trimester and rates of anything happening go WAY WAY down. Most of the time, I don't worry.  We have seen a healthy baby, my doctor says everything is great, and I am able to just enjoy being pregnant.  Every once in awhile, though, all of the "what if's" that can go wrong creep into my mind.  It is so easy to dwell on those things that could possibly go wrong or harm my baby.

We have an appointment on Thursday morning at 9am... which will always help :D

15 weeks!

HI baby McNabb bump.
I have been really rubbing my belly lately and talking to baby McNabb.  Billy and I have both hit that point where we will constantly have our hands on my belly, telling baby that we can't wait to meet baby McNabb.  I love looking down and telling baby McNabb how much I love baby and what a blessing it is to be pregnant.

7 weeks - bloated  and sick                                          vs                                           15 weeks

Feeling HUGE and I know this is only the beginning.

Today's date: June 9, 2014

How far along: 15 weeks 1 day

Total weight gain: Since my last appointment, lost 1 pound so we are at a total weight gain of 10 pounds.  I know my OB was very clear that to not gain 6 pounds every time I see her.  During the second trimester, the average weight gain is 1 pound a week so we will see!  I have been able to eat healthier now then I was during my first trimester.  Mostly fruits, veggies and protein.

Size and growth of the baby: 
Your growing baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces. She's busy moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in her lungs begin to develop. Her legs are growing longer than her arms now, and she can move all of her joints and limbs.  

Sex: Hoping this Thursday but if not we are going to schedule an appointment for next week to find out.  I'll have to update later this week with our fun old wives tales and what they say baby McNabb will be :D I can't wait to find out!!!

Maternity clothes: All maternity pants and my belly band.  This has done wonders.  I am still able to wear some normal shirts but have to wear a long tank top underneath.  This may not last much longer.

Sleep: Like a baby.  I have been sleeping through the night, only having to wake 2 to 3 times to go to the bathroom.  When I used to get up, I would get really sick but now have been going straight back to sleep.  I am sure Billy is very happy and glad we're both getting a great amount of sleep.  It has been great!!  10+ hours every night.

Best moment(s) of the week: Feeling so many flutters in my belly!!!  AHHH.  Plus feeling GREAT finally after an awful first trimester.  Though they say this is good news. Getting a pedicure and manicure with my mom was really nice too.  

Movement: Here and there but can't see anything yet.  Definitely flutters though! :D :D :D

Food cravings/aversions: No aversions!  YAY.  Food has been going great.  Craving PEACHES oh my gosh they are so good right now from Fred Meyer.  And my water intake has been GREAT!

Morning sickness: NONE.  FINALLY!!!!! Had a little heart burn but don't need to eat tums anymore.  A glass of 1% milk has been helping a lot and it's mostly in the morning when I am eating breakfast.  Other then that, great. 100% great.

Symptoms: Expanding belly which is causing round ligament pains, sciatica and always having to go the bathroom.

Labor signs:
 Way too soon.

Belly button in or out:

What I miss: 
Was putting away the laundry yesterday and being able to wear my old clothes.. 

What I'm looking forward to: 
Finding out the gender. Moving the stuff out of the spare bedroom and setting up an area in the master bedroom for Billy still to have a gaming area.  And putting together the crib.. painting and refinishing the dresser.. selecting colors! 
From Babies R Us 

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