Another view of baby McNabb.. and it's cute little nose :D
Hand going towards the mouth again!
Baby McNabb Arm shot- since our little one enjoyed flexing for the camera.
The baby had a nice strong heart rate of 156.6! Not sure what the old wives tales would say about that one since it has now dropped. Placenta is on the left of baby. Think that means.. Boy? But we will find out soon enough if the babe is a "he" or "she". The ultrasound tech continuously tried but we couldn't get the baby to spread it's legs.
So, the cause of the cramping? In my doctors words, my uterus is just bitching and moaning (yes, his words) because it is doing something it has never done before. We are experience round ligament pain.. My body seems to like to complain about change. But - at least I can know that it is nothing to worry about... just growing pains, and I can expect that this is only the beginning of my physical discomfort! We ordered me a belly band that should help keep the belly in place a bit and help with the discomfort I am experiencing. We are measuring ahead so I was told not to be surprised if my due date changes.. We were 13 weeks and 5 days in the ER.. measuring at 14 weeks and 6 days. November 25, 2014 Due Date possibly :D
Oh the joys of motherhood.
On other exciting news- my brother in law and girlfriend (we'll call her sister in law :D ) finally announced to everyone they are expecting! YAY! I am so excited to finally be able to talk about it and share with everyone how excited I am to share this experience with her! It will also be great of our babies to be a month and a half in age! They are due in January :D
Anyway... we made it through another week successfully. :-) We had a great vacation in Oregon and some real nice bonding time :)
My favorite photo from the entire vacation- the baby bump and me talking to baby McNabb
B was so nice at taking photos of his family :)
Hi baby McNabb
Our first family of three photo while on vacation! Pacific City, OR
Billy surprised me at the store with this sweet picture frame for Baby McNabb and me. It was so sweet that he found this for me.
And here we go! Touching base!
Today's date: June 2, 2014
How far along: 14 weeks + 1 day
14 weeks + 1 day
Total weight gain: Dropped actually. 10 lbs in total
Size and growth of the baby: Your baby's stretching out. From head to bottom, he measures 3 1/2 inches — about the size of a lemon — and he weighs 1 1/2 ounces. His body's growing faster than his head, which now sits upon a more distinct neck. By the end of this week, his arms will have grown to a length that's in proportion to the rest of his body. (His legs still have some lengthening to do.)
Sex: Not yet! We tried to find out when we were in the ER.
Maternity clothes: yup and LOVING it!
Sleep: Unless I am exhausted I sleep real well. I had a BAD night on Saturday with throwing up again.. and then felt awful yesterday. I think it was just being exhausted from vacation.
Best moment(s) of the week: Discussing baby McNabb's girl name. We had liked the name Ava but it is on the top 10 baby names.. and we DIDNT want her to have 10 other Ava's in her class.. so name has changed :D And we decided on her middle name on vacation with watching the sunset :D
Movement: I have been feeling little *tap tap* feelings.. but not sure if it is gas or what since we are measuring a week + 1 day ahead.
Food cravings/aversions: Avocados.. still are GROSS! Ugh I miss them though but they just gross me out! Current craving.. Cantalope. It is so so so good!
Morning sickness: Feeling good with exception of Friday (not morning sickness) and yesterday with puking all morning.
Symptoms: Fatigue, headaches, belly pains, expanding belly.
Labor signs: Way too soon.
Belly button in or out: In.
What I miss: Feeling somewhat NORMAL
What I'm looking forward to: Our next appointment on the 12th! Our mom's are joining us to hear the heart beat and possibly an ultra sound. AND my brother and sister in laws first appointment on the 10th! For me to actually ENJOY being pregnant- which has only been like 5 days I feel like.
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