BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, May 15, 2014



200!!!  That is how many days are left until this little bean is due!  It seems like a long time when you think of it that way.  But I am OVER one quarter of the way through with this pregnancy deal.  When I think of it in that perspective, holy cow, time is flying!!  I am no longer having to take Progesterone, which of course worried me a bit.. always just a thought of course but my levels are great now.  Since week 6, I have been on 200mg per day and was told to ease back on working out.  Then again, I had been super sick!

I could jump up and down and have my own dance party! :)

  I am now 11.5 weeks and feeling better every day.  The nausea comes in spurts but is not all day every day by any means.  I am officially wearing maternity clothes.  We went last week and bought me a bunch at Old Navy.  Billy insisted after a terrible morning of me walking up and down the hall way freaking out because I couldn't wear a thing.  Thank God for him and EVERYTHING he is doing for me.  I couldn't ask for a better support system through these last 6 weeks then what I have received.
What I got:
3 pairs of shorts- two jean style and a gray comfortable pair.
2 pairs of jeans
4 shirts.. mostly striped which I have came to terms makes me look more pregnant then normal!
2 dresses which weren't maternity but they work.. and I love them!

We had our monthly appointment today. 
The times between each appointment are so LONG I feel like.  But a lot of good came out of this appointment.  I have been referred for physical therapy for my sciatica to help ease the issues.  The sooner I get in, the better.  I have been doing yoga but it will be nice to get some more ideas to help.   We had the pleasure of hearing the baby's STRONG  heart beat- 167bpm.  My sweet OB did inform me that yes I am showing a lot of 11 weeks 4 days but I also gained 6lbs since I last saw her.  WHOOPS.  She is not worried about that though because of how bad my nausea has been.  She was happy to hear it is subsiding and I am beginning to want to eat foods other then Raisin Bran or Cheerios.  I was given the OK to work out how I want to- just no contact sports.  This made me so thrilled!!! 
 We were also given a take home care package which also has all the information for Overlake Hospital and classes.

Recap of this week:
Pre Mothers Day:  I finally got out on a hike and it felt so good.  Over the weekend I accomplished working out each day.. it is so nice that my energy level is starting to increase and the nausea is going down!
Billy and I at the first bridge of Twin Falls
Hi Baby McNabb :)

Mother's Day:  
Was so wonderful.  I was blessed with flowers from my parents and my in laws.. plus these cute baby socks :)
Roses from my parents
The cute socks from my in laws and my flowers 
Billy gave me the sweet gift for Mother's Day.  A picture frame with our first ultra sound of baby McNabb!

My birthday:
Billy was the best.  He made me breakfast.. mm French toast.  Surprised me by getting off early to walk and cook dinner for me.  PLUS my mom joined us for the walk, which was the best gift :)

Today's date: May 15, 2014

 How far along: 11 weeks 4 days 

Total weight gain: 11 pounds since my pre pregnancy weight.  Now that I am going to be working out and eating healthier food- I am sure this won't be increasing as much :)

 Size and growth of the baby: Your baby, just about 2"  long and about the size of a fig (or a lime!), is now almost fully formed. Baby's hands will soon open and close into fists, tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under the gums, and some of the bones are beginning to harden.
Sex: Too soon... but just wanting a healthy baby :) 

Maternity clothes: Definitely pants.

Sleep: Finally getting sleep.  Only been waking up with MASSIVE heart burn that is causing some nausea at about 4:30 or 5.  Was given a prescription today to take before I go to bed that should help this.  

Best moment(s) of the week: Hearing the heart beat this morning by doppler!  There is no better feeling than hearing our baby's heart beat.

Movement: Too soon to feel, though it's happening. :) 

Food cravings/aversions: 2% MILK! mmmmmm and Fruit.  Any fruit.  It taste so good!  Especially apples with peanut butter.  It is

Morning sickness: Seems to be going away!!!!!

Symptoms: Fatigue and a bit of constipation.. Heart burn is killer! but my finger nails are to die for!  They have NEVER been this strong!

Labor signs: Way too soon.

Belly button in or out: In...

What I miss: Feeling like I was in shape.. working out like I was so I am glad I got the ok.. and a COLD BEER ON A WARM DAY.  It has been SO SO SO nice out this week.. and work has been quiet stressful.. so not being able to enjoy a Corona on the back deck with my husband has sucked.

What I'm looking forward to: Getting out of 1st trimester (10 days to go)!!  N
uchal translucency screen tomorrow and we get to see the baby... and the OREGON COAST AT THE END OF THE MONTH!

This was definitely me babbling on and on...

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