BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, May 25, 2014

13 weeks!

We've hit the BIG milestone! I am officially in 2nd trimester!!  Woo hoo!!  This was the slowest, yet FASTEST 12 weeks ever and I am so glad to have them OVER with.  I feel SO relieved to be here.  I feel like I am able to relax and enjoy this stage of pregnancy.  My nausea has not made an appearance since sometime in week 11.. which this momma could not be happier about!

All of week 12- I walked 3 miles a day.  Feeling pretty good that I was able to do that.  Even one day I walk/jogged 3.5 miles and had the most amazing feeling.  
Feeling GOOD after my run/walk. 

My route for my walks EVERY night. 
It has been really nice because my parents, brother and T-Dog have joined me every night so I have company.  Starting next week, Billy's schedule changes to 9-6 so he will be with us!

I have realized that if I do not get enough sleep every night, I wake up feeling like I am going to die of exhaustion.  That being said, I am sleeping 10+ hours a night.

Since FINALLY being released to work out- I have noticed the following: 

I miss running

I miss running outside

I miss 5:30AM strength training and spin classes.
I miss getting up and working out with Billy.

I have came to the conclusion that I can't get up at 4:45 to go work out in the AM.

I need to start lifting weights again.  I have found workouts on youtube of women lifting while pregnant.  Since I got the OK from my OB to lift no more then 25 lbs.. this is a must.  I want to try to keep ANY muscle definition left.

We had our Nuchal Translucency Screen at 11 weeks, 4 days.  We were measuring at 12 weeks 3 days in most of the photos that they have moved our due date already.. I know that everything is an "estimate" but they are now figuring November 25, 2014.
Waving hi to mom and dad :)

We got a good half an hour just looking at our baby.  We both couldn't believe how much our little one moved around already!  It was such a cool experience.  The tech did a real good job at really pinpointing the heart, legs, and hands from us.  Heart beat was 163bpm.  We are still waiting on the blood work but we're told from the ultrasound that everything looks great.  

This are really setting in mentally for me.  We are leaving on vacation this week and after we get back, I know it will be time to buckle down.  There are things we want to accomplish before the baby comes.  
-Organizing the storage and making a shelving unit in there.
-Hang the number of bikes we have.
-Savings account where it should be for our baby fund.
-Sell the Corolla.. Anyone looking for a starter car?  '97 Corolla with 154k miles. New tires. $2500 OBO
-Find a dresser for the baby's room and refinish it.
-Does someone know how to quilt?

Anyway... 13 week update!!
Today's date: Sunday, May 25th, 2014

How far along: 13 weeks (2nd TRIMESTER!!)

Total weight gain: 11 in total still

Size and growth of the baby: The size of a peach, about 2.9" and about .81oz.  Baby is approaching normal proportions, with a head now only one third the size of the body. 

Sex: Not yet!  I have an appointment scheduled for June 12th- in which we will probably be scheduling our gender ultra sound!!

Maternity clothes:  Jeans are definitely a must.  They are so comfortable.  I have got two pairs now of regular length jeans and a pair of capri length.  I can still fit into my regular jeans but they are just so uncomfortable to button that I'd rather just wear the maternity ones.  Plus you can't tell!  My mom took me shopping and we were able to get me some shirts to wear to work ALL on sale!  My biggest struggle is feeling like my belly is going to fall out the bottom of my shirts so I am very causious when I pick what to wear.  Mostly maternity shirts now.
Yay for maternity work pants (thanks to my husband) and shirts (thanks mom!)

Sleep: Sleeping good... some crazy dreams happening lately.  Getting up to pee more often.

Best moment(s) of the week: Having the nausea subside and feeling good!  I went on a hike on Friday with my mother in law and husband which felt great.  Being able to be more active has been a blessing.  Deciding what colors the nursery would be if we have a boy or girl.. both on the same page of colors! :)

Movement: Too soon to feel, though it's happening. :)  I hope I can feel it in about a month or so.

Food cravings/aversions: MUCH MUCH better.  I feel like I am having more cravings than aversions in this stage.  So.. TACOS and sweets!

Morning sickness: Feeling pretty good these days!

Symptoms: Fatigue, headaches are starting, expanding belly.

Labor signs:
 Way too soon.

Belly button in or out:

What I miss: 
My ability to work out like I used to..

What I'm looking forward to: 
Feeling the baby move... results from our Nuchal Translucency Screen.. VACATION!

What's going on this week:

Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, their veins and organs are clearly visible through their still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with their head — which makes up just a third of their body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries.  Your fetus is forming teeth and vocal cords...savor this, their nonfunctional phase. Baby is approaching normal proportions, with his head now only one third the size of his body. And intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to baby's tummy -- much more convenient.

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